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Rakousko - Uhersko (1867 - 1918)
Homepage / Buttons and books / Study books

Books worth studying

Literature good for historical study, focused especially on clothing

  • I have all the above mentioned books and can recommend them to all collectors for studying

Železniční móda - frontpage
Železniční móda - page

Mojmír Krejčiřík:
Railway fashion

The evolution of railway uniforms since 19th century till present

Dokořán, Česká republika, 2003
Des Dieners alte Kleider- frontpage
Des Dieners alte Kleider- page

Des Dieners alte Kleider - Knöpfe und Livreen an Adelshöfen des 19. Jahrhunderts

(Historical clothing of servants – buttons and liveries on noble courts in 19th century)

Museen der Stadt Lüdenscheid, Germany 1994
Československá armáda ve Velké Británii - frontpage
Československá armáda ve Velké Británii - page

Vilém Fencl, Martin Říha:
Czechoslovak army in Great Britain

Encyklopaedia of Czechoslovak uniforms II.

MV&H s.r.o. Praha, Česká republika, 2003
Uniformní kniflíky Animato

I would like to dedicate this website to my father, who founded the collection in 1974 and also to my mother for her great patience with us both collectors, she had to care for...
